My Story
In creating a story of visuals and text for others to learn about myself. I am able to connect with others and find common ground or appreciated differences. This gives future students an opportunity to share their story with their classmates and find community.
How do I use this in the classroom?
Sharing with the teacher and class about themselves.
Sharing with partners in class or small groups
Every student in class comes from a different background, social group, socio-economic status, religious background and so on. The activity of sharing their story, allows students to express their history, their likes/dislikes, backgrounds, etc. This activity shows students that no matter what their story is, it is significant and they matter.
Google Doc
You Tube
Posterboard with photos and text (younger ages)
For plurilingual students- this can give them the freedom to use text, photos, visuals, etc. that can either be in English or their first language. Opening the opportunity for freedom of expression.
Some ideas of what could be included are here:
Birthday or Birthplace
Future Dreams (College, Career)
What makes you happy?
What makes you feel brave?
What makes you thankful?
What are some of your beliefs that you care about?
What is an issue around the world that matters to you?
What is something you are passionate about?